Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy 237th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps today, and Happy Veteran's Day tomorrow!  If you see a Marine today, wish him or her a happy birthday, and make a concerted effort to tell anyone you see in uniform or something that says they are a veteran (Veteran's plates, a ball cap that indicates veteran status, whatever), "Thank you for your service!"  Whether his or her service was yesterday or 60 years ago, we can never repay the dept we owe those who put themselves in harm's way that we may continue to life the life of peace and freedom that we enjoy here in the US.
In the next few years, we will continue to have a growing number of service members coming back from combat, requiring a great deal of care, understanding and patience, but let's don't ever forget that we owe them that as well as tremendous respect and gratitude.
Maybe this Veteran's Day, instead of just enjoying an extra day off work - especially if you do get off of work - find one thing you can do to support our military, veterans, and/or their families.  Maybe you can bake cookies for the USO, pack care packages for active duty deployed members, or just go visit a veteran's hospital or senior center, and/or donate to a reputable veteran's care group.  Be creative, use your individual talents!  It's the least we can do!
Check out what the founder of Go Daddy decided to do:
Video tribute from Go Daddy

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cultivate An Attitude of Gratitude

I often get caught in the frustration of day to day minutia - red tape of establishing new programs, frustrating campaign ads, buying toilet paper - and it is easy to get into a mood of brood.  I am beginning this next year of my life (my birthday was last week) with a mindful effort to cultivate my attitude of gratitude!

I am relatively healthy, those I love are all relatively healthy, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my table, I have a wonderful practice I get to share with others, and I have friends and family that I love and who love me.  I am TRULY blessed!  I am reminded of this so often - when I see the devastation from the super storm Sandy on the east coast, or when I teach classes at Haven for Hope (the shelter in town) - that I don't know why it is so easy to forget!  For today, I will remember and be grateful!

For what are you grateful today?  Think about it...

Here is a Meatless Monday recipe from the Ayurvedic Institute for kitchari - it's good for every constitution, and is great for being gentle with your system.  Especially nice if you overindulged this weekend in less than healthy foods like I did! :-)

Have a JOY filled day!
Kitchari Recipe
1 cupBasmati Rice
2 cupsMung Dal (split yellow)
7 cups (approx.)Water
a bit ofSalt
2 Tbs.Ghee
3 tsp.Mustard Seeds
2 tsp.Cumin Seeds or Powder
2 tsp.Turmeric Powder
2 tsp.Coriander Powder
2 tsp.Fennel Powder
1 pinchAsafoetida (Hing)
Kitchari means mixture, usually of two grains. This is one kitchari recipe that is particularly nourishing and easy to digest.Options
  • Vegetables such as zucchini,
    asparagus, sweet potato
  • For Vata or Kapha conditions:
    add a pinch of ginger powder
  • For Pitta: leave out the mustard seeds
Carefully pick over rice and dal to remove any stones. Wash each separately in at least 2 changes of water.
Sauté the seeds in the ghee until they pop. Then add the other spices. Add the mung dal and salt. Sauté for 1 or 2 minutes. Add boiling water, bring to boil, then simmer for 30 minutes or until the dal is about 2/3 cooked.
Now prepare any vegetables that suit your constitution. Cut them into smallish pieces. Add rice and these vegetables. Stir to mix, adding extra water if required. Bring back to the boil, then simmer for 20 minutes or until rice is fully cooked. Aim to have minimal water remaining, leaving the lid on the pot to allow any excess to slowly be absorbed.
Caution: Kitchari mono-diet can lead to constipation if taken exclusively for several days, as it is low in fiber. To ensure proper elimination, the following may prove helpful if taken once a day, away from kitchari meals: psyllium husks or seeds with water OR oat bran OR prune juice.
Teas for each Constitution
Vata Tea — equal parts ground ginger, cumin and coriander
Pitta Tea — equal parts ground cumin, coriander and fennel
Kapha Tea — equal parts ground ginger, cinnamon, and a pinch of clove
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